
Showing posts from March, 2018

Way of Life

I don't know about all the other Muslims out there, but every time I read a new hadith, a new part of the Quran I had never really understood before, or a new story about our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, it gives me a newfound appreciation for what Islam really is. For me, Islam is not just a religion. Islam is a way of life. Everything that I do everyday is determined by my religion. For example, before starting anything, I remind myself why I live and why I am doing this. I do everything that I do for God. "Say, 'Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds.'" (Quran 6:12). As an activist, praise from other people sometimes gets to me. I try my best to focus on the constructive criticism that I get about how I can be a better person and a better activist. When I put my head on the ground five times a day, I focus on how that is the most humble act I can do to declare my devot

Discomfort and Courage

As we come closer to the date of the national walkouts I want to remind everyone how important it is to make sure that ALL victims of gun violence are included in our messaging or our events. Including students of color who cannot walk safely to school because of the systematic racism causing gun violence in black communities in Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit. We can't forget to include people in Latin America and the Middle East affected by the United States' weapon sales overseas that have destabilized many governments. Having these conversations may be uncomfortable for some. But ask yourself, do you value your comfort or the lives of those affected by gun violence more? Staying in our comfort zones all the time is not a good thing. As a Muslim, but more importantly as a human I strive to have uncomfortable conversations with people and speak the truth, even if it makes other people uncomfortable. Embrace the discomfort. You will become a better person for it. There are t