Double Standards and Palestine

If you call yourself an activist or say you have progressive values or call yourself a feminist and you are not standing up for or speaking up for Palestine, then your activism or feminism needs to go. I see way too many people who are activists and who support Black Lives Matter and immigration rights and the dismantelment of systems of white supremacy in the United States but who don't give the same attention or activism to Palestine. Remember what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

So, I will be out here speaking up for the innocent Palestinian protesters who tried to exercise their right to protest peacefully. We take that right for granted here in America, but they were met with bullets and tear gas (even though I know what tear gas looks like and it doesn't give people convulsions like that). If we fight for our rights to protest peacefully here in America we should also be speaking out for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Palestine isn't just an issue when it is in the news. Being under military occupation is a reality that Palestinians face every single day whether or not there are enough deaths to make it newsworthy. Remember Ahed Tamimi and her cousin Janna Jihad who has also just been arrested. Remember that Palestinians have been forced out of their homes since 1948. This is nothing new. There is nothing that pisses me off more than activists who use their voices to speak up for everyone exceot for Palestinians.

If you want to know where to find me, I will be out here speaking up for Palestine just as I have been for most of my life. Free Palestine.

Just like I said when Stephon Clark and Saheed Vassell were killed, I want to see the same amount of attention given to Palestine as we give when white American children are killed.
